

Written by Ing. Enea Mattei S.p.A. | 7 January 2019

Energy efficiency is a “natural” characteristic of Mattei compressors, inherent in the linear geometry of their design and in the exclusive rotary vane technology. When compared to a screw compressor, a Mattei machine is more reliable; operating on average 100,000 hours without requiring a major overhaul, thereby reducing maintenance costs and ensuring quality compressed air, and significantly reducing energy consumption, thanks to the low rotation speeds (up to 1,000 RPM) and a 1:1 ratio between the speed of the motor and the pumping unit on most of the Mattei compressors.

Having been pioneers and innovators in this field, only led Mattei to perfect itself and create products with ever-increasing levels of performance in terms of their environmental-friendliness. Maximum operating efficiency with a significant return of investment is reflected in the energy-saving compressors of variable-speeds within the Optima e Blade i ranges and of the high efficiency Maxima range, of which Maxima Xtreme represents the most recent evolution. The efficiency objectives of Mattei compressors are also achieved through control systems that guarantee a reduction in energy consumption of up to 35%, whilst recovery systems can recover up to 80% of the dispersed heat during the compression process, which can then be applied for other industrial uses. The study into tailor-made solutions for transit applications, especially in the electric sector, represents one of the final frontiers for the design research of Mattei.

Mattei is synonymous with efficiency, not only in the products, but also in industrial processes, now organised according to the most advanced principles of Lean Production.
With Mattei, efficiency becomes a reality; today more than ever.

[From Issue 13, Vane Magazine, January 2019]