

Written by Ing. Enea Mattei S.p.A. | 15 December 2016

(Il Sole 24 Ore, 2016)
But let’s give a look at the numbers to better understand the actual scale of this growth. As a result of a global economic downturn in 2009 the exports index in the mechanical sector reached the lowest level with 80.1 points. After that, the numbers have shown a steady and significant growth with 101,5 points in 2014 and 104,6 in 2015.

Which countries import Made in Italy products then? Last year 44% of exports went to other European countries, followed by 22% of exports to Asia. Lower percentages but still important (around 10%) were recorded in North America and Africa. Over the past five years, the highest growth in terms of export of Italian products was recorded in the United States moving from about 1.3 billion to over 2.6 billion in 2015. Even Germany has experienced considerable growth, going from nearly 2,000 million to over 2,400 during the same period. Exports to Saudi Arabia has increased gradually, though with much lower numbers, going from 400 to 900 million in five years. The only country that has reduced imports of Italian products is the Russian Federation which has decreased from around 1200 to 800 million.

According to the research carried out by ANIMA, the first six countries importer of Made in Italy products are Germany, with a growth of 7% between June 2015 and June 2016, the United States, which, however, have experienced a decline in imports by 8% during the same period and France, which has instead increased its imports by 10% from 2015, followed in line by UK, Spain and Turkey.

In more general terms, the export in the mechanical industry has increased significantly in recent years, moving from 26.2 billion € in 2012 to 28.1 in 2015 and with a forecast of 28.3 for 2016.
Almost in the same way Mattei has recorded an increase in exports, by 75.6% in 2015 (22.7 million €) against 69.6% in 2014 (€ 15.3 million). Even the countries towards which the company mainly sells its products to follow the national trend reported by Anima: the first three places have in fact been occupied by US, UK and France. These are some of the reasons why Ing. Enea Mattei was awarded the Anima Export Prize for the constant affirmation of its production in Italy and abroad.
According to the Federation the additional values that the companies must implement to ensure this continuous growth for the coming years are courage, perseverance and professionalism.