Products for air treatment

Mattei offers a set of products designed for air treatment and able to eliminate impurities, contamination and condensation for a very high quality compressed air.

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The use of clean and dry compressed air is essential for many production processes. Condensation and contaminating particles, such as oil and dust, may reduce the efficiency and reliability of the compression system and jeopardise the quality of the finished product.
When the purpose of compressed air within the system has been properly identified, it is advisable to carefully select the best combination of accessories for air treatment, so as to optimise air production and reduce unnecessary waste.

Products for air treatment:

  • filtration products: to separate impurities in the air through a multi-stage process;
  • dryers: a quality compressed air is a dry compressed air. Mattei offers two ranges of products: refrigeration dryers (MD series) and adsorption dryers (DD series and DDH series);
  • accessories:  water/oil separators, condensate drains, cyclone separators, vertical receivers.

To ensure compressed air free from impurities.


To reduce condensation presence in the compressors.


To reduce condensation presence in the compressors.


Accessories to improve air treatment.


Our compressors_Lubrificati Energy Saving_5

Energy Saving Lubricated Compressors

This model ensures energy savings up to 15% in comparison with other rotary compressors.

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Our compressors_Lubrificati_2

Lubricated Compressors

Designed to cater for the most challenging needs of our customers while eliminating energy waste.

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Our compressors_Soluzioni personalizzate_2

Customised Solutions

Designed to meet specific requirements in the industry and service fields.

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Our compressors_Energy Recovery Box_3

Energy Recovery Solutions

They allow to recover up to 80% of the heat energy generated by the production of compressed air.

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