Since 80% of the cost of a compressor across its lifecycle is due to energy consumption, a system with the most efficient operational set-up for the compressed air unit is a priceless ally to a company’s income statement. Energy efficiency is critical in maximizing savings and ensuring the most cost-effective operation of your air system over time.
Mattei offers two different master controllers (Concerto and Quartetto), equipped with the latest generation software programs and able to manage multiple compressors, including those from different manufacturers, at the same time. The use of a master controller is recommended to optimize the operation of a compressor room and reduce undesired machine downtime to a minimum, further enhancing the energy efficiency of the entire system.
Concerto is the latest-generation master controller able to manage up to 16 compressors at the same time, allowing energy savings that can exceed 35%.
Quartetto is a master controller that optimizes the management of a system by running up to 4 compressors at the same time. It may be used when a manufacturing process requires a large amount of variable compressed air or when avoiding machine downtime is paramount.
This model ensures energy savings up to 15% in comparison with other rotary compressors.
Designed to cater for the most challenging needs of our customers while eliminating energy waste.
Designed to meet specific requirements in the industry and service fields.
They manage, control and act promptly during the operation of the compression system.