Mattei provides technically advanced Rotary Vane Compressor solutions for both onboard and infrastructure applications, precisely matching the needs of the client in the global rail & transportation marketplace.
By offering reliable, efficient, and durable products, Mattei is helping to shape the future success of the Rail & Transportation industries, while making an important contribution in providing lower cost of ownership, utilizing our well-proven and established rotary vane technology.
The POWER of Mattei Rotary Vane Compressors, providing solutions to your problems….TODAY!
The benefits of Rail & Transportation applications:
For rail vehicle applications (passenger shuttles, undergrounds, trains, freight).
This model ensures energy savings up to 15% in comparison with other rotary compressors.
Designed to cater for the most challenging needs of our customers while eliminating energy waste.
Designed to meet specific requirements in the industry and service fields.
They manage, control and act promptly during the operation of the compression system.