Curti Srl is a member of the Euricom SpA group specialised in processing and packaging rice and rice-based products. A legendary agri-food company that is now an icon of excellence in Europe: the Valle Lomellina (PV) facilities, with 162 employees covering 86,000 square metres (of which about 28,300 indoors), is one of the largest in Europe with annual production capacity of about 150,000 tons of processed raw materials.

he production plant includes its own power plant that produces electricity from plant biomass (such as rice chaff and straw) or from the combination of these materials with processing by-products.
Curti has always implemented significant technological and organisational changes to improve the quality of the products it offers consumers in terms of higher food safety, product diversification and constant efforts to protect the environment.
“Curti has always focused on the level of product quality in all production phases - explained Alessio Varese, PPSM, Curtiriso Srl Business and Subcontractor coordinator and Contract Manager – This translates into high and absolute food safety standards for both consumers and employees”.
Curti Srl’s continuously improved product quality combined with their significant industrial capacity and efforts to manage the business with a certified management system have been recognised by numerous international certifications (including IFS, ISO, BRC and BIO).
“The company has invested large amounts in the production of clean energy since 1996, symbolised by the power plant - continued Alessio Varese – The plant produces enough energy to meet all facility demands with enough left over to be sold to the domestic grid”
The Valle Lomellina facilities are eco-sustainable and strive to prevent and reduce pollution: the environmental impact of the industrial activities and products is reduced to a minimum and air, water and subsoil emission management is optimised.
The partnership between Curtiriso and Mattei, dating back to the end of the 80s, is still profitable. The current pool includes some ten machines including high energy efficient compressors like the Maxima 55 and Optima 75 and others in the Air Centre series.
“We use Mattei compressors in all production sectors: from the rice mill to the packaging department, including the power plant. - Alessio Varese stated - The versatility of Mattei machines allows us to calibrate the supply of compressed air according to the specific needs of the various departments. The performance/ consumption ratio is truly exceptional”
This is also confirmed by Flavio Molinari, Sales Manager Italy Eng. Enea Mattei SpA.: “Maxima 55 is designed to ensure the best working economies in operating conditions characterised by constant air demand for prolonged periods. Its exclusive Maestro XS electronic controller lets us monitor and program compressor functions. - continues Flavio Molinari - The special inverter installed on Optima compressors modifies motor rpm, adjusting the air flow provided by the compressor to that actually needed. Energy savings are obvious with these systems”.
The low Maxima rpm (1000 rpm) ensures low noise emissions, reducing the noise impact both inside and outside the building. Furthermore, the lower mechanical stress reduces maintenance and overhead costs, all benefitting productivity. “Mattei compressors are designed to reach 100,000 operating hours without required metallic part or vane replacement” explains Flavio Molinari.
“We stipulated a routine maintenance contract with Air Company, authorised Mattei dealer – explains Alessio Varese – The machines we use in our factory are between 2 and 10 years old and still provide impeccable service given the routine inspections, cleaning and maintenance promptly provided with precision and professionalism by Air Company for over 30 years”.
“If subject to routine maintenance, Mattei machines have exceptional working lives – confirms Paolo Merlini, Air Company – In our decades of experience with Curtiriso, the installed compressors never demonstrated any particular problems except for easy to fix wear and tear.”
“Mattei and Curtiriso share the same environmental protection values. For Mattei, sustainability is the result of constant efforts in research and development – confirms Flavio Molinari – The low rpm, high volume yield and total lack of cylindrical or thrust bearing roller bearings afford rotary vane compressors with 15% higher energy savings than other rotary compressors. If combined with other devices such as correct air conditioning and heat recovery, energy savings can reach 30%” concludes Flavio Molinari.
“Reliability, longevity, efficiency but also the silent operations of Mattei products, perfectly integrate in the Curtiriso production chain that has appreciated these features for almost 30 years - continues Alessio Varese – The pursuit of eco-sustainable solutions and environmental protection are benchmarks in our production philosophy: we found a valuable partner in the furtherance of this goal in high-efficiency Mattei compressors”.
The use of compressed air is highly popular in various industrial sectors but requires consistent energy costs, equal to about 10% of electrical energy consumption. Mattei compressors are distinguished by a 1:1 ratio between electrical motor speed and the pumping unit, a feature that provides high energy efficiency plus high performance.
Maxima 55
Equipped with a Maestro XS electronic controller and energy saving high-efficiency performance electrical motors, Maxima series compressors have truly extraordinary features:
Maxima’s mark of distinction is the low pumping unit rotation speed that is only 1000 rpm. Thus, this machine has extremely simple operating principles and low noise emission.
Another key feature is the cooling system, variable according to the load and environmental conditions. In fact, Maxima has a two-speed electro-fan sensitive to heat variations and able to keep the internal temperature constant, increasing or decreasing the cooling air flow.
Maxima is also the first single-stage compressor to match the energy efficiency of the two-stage compressors found on the market.
The key to this extraordinary efficiency is continuous technological research, that led to the exceptional result of 5.4 kW/m3/min.
The range of accessories completes Maxima’s profile and enhances the potential for customisation.
In fact, a heat recovery kit can be installed to reuse the heat energy produced in the compression phase to heat water for industrial or sanitary use. Lastly, the oil-water separator kit and condensation separator and drain kit can also be installed.
With power from 30 to 160 kW and flow from 6.45 to 32.15 m3/min, fully water-cooled versions with builtin air dryer are also available.
Due to their features, Maxima series compressors are ideal for applications that require constant and even compressed air flow throughout the day.
Optima 75
The Optima series is designed to adjust its operations to the network load demand. This is possible thanks to the special Mattei inverter, controlled by the Maestro XS electronic controller, that varies motor rpm to adjust compressor air flow to that actually required.
The combination of new generation inverter technology and extraordinary Mattei rotary vane compressor efficiency has lead to the Optima compressor. The key features of this product are the low rpm, the direct high-yield four-pole motor coupling and working pressures between 7 and 10 bar.
All Optima compressors are epoxy powder painted, rust and scratch resistant in addition to being internally lined with sound-proofing material; they are also equipped with a pre-filter that prevents impurities from clogging radiators and the air filter, with obvious economic benefits. The hinged doors and easy to remove panels allow for full accessibility for service and maintenance.
With power from 11 to 200 kW and flow from 1.190 to 35.5 m3/min, fully water-cooled versions with built-in air dryer are also available.